8-week program Fibromyalgia fitness program designed to support and enhance your health, nutrition, and well-being.

Embrace a transformative 8-week Fibromyalgia exercise program for a healthier you!

If you’ve been feeling stuck, like you’ll never be able to workout again, you are so not alone.

Does this sound familiar?


What past Fibro Warriors have said

I joined because I've always loved working out [but] I was always flaring after workouts and feeling defeated. Rachel's program has been the only workout that has worked for me over the last three years. I feel physically stronger...pain, headaches, and fatigue have all improved drastically!

I feel like most of us are scared of hurting more and would never dream of trying a program like this, but...exercises that I would think would hurt me actually don't and most of the time they make me feel better. Having a trainer that not only is knowledgeable about working out with Fibromyalgia, but actually has Fibromyalgia themselves is a game changer.



Fibro Fit Warriors is a science-based Fibromyalgia fitness and nutrition program designed to eliminate your Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Fibromyalgia nutrition program, and fitness program plan with app and instructions.


Imagine a world where you can go hiking with friends, walk for hours at Disney, or even just clean your house without pain. I’ll teach you the exact method to make this possible. But don’t take my word for it. Check out these wins from past clients:

Fibromyalgia fitness program reviews
Fibromyalgia exercise program reviews
Fibromyalgia workout program reviews

What's included in the Fibromyalgia exercise program?


Fibromyalgia program and exercise plan showcasing Rachel flexing.

Science-based workouts designed specifically for people with Fibromyalgia.


Fibromyalgia nutrition plan and meal planning

A proven nutrition protocol to give you more energy, uncover food sensitivities, and reach your fitness goals.


Fibromyalgia support group and community

Access to the private community group so you can connect with others just like you.

Training app

Fibromyalgia training app

Access to the Fibro Fit Warriors app where you can see video demonstrations of your workout program, track weights, upload progress photos, and more.

Video modules

Fibromyalgia video module trainings

Exclusive video modules where you’ll learn the latest Fibromyalgia research and exact methods that have others (including myself) take back control of their Fibromyalgia.


Fibromyalgia health coach Rachel Gerson stands outside wearing workout gear.

Weekly check-ins and daily support from Rachel to answer questions that come up throughout the program. 

Course Content

What You'll Learn

Fibro Fit Warriors video modules are under construction. New content will be unveiled soon.

Module One

Coming soon

More info coming soon


Coming soon

More info coming soon


Coming soon

More info coming soon

Meet Your Fibromyalgia coach

Hey there!
I’m Rachel…

NASM-certified personal trainer, PN1 certified nutritionist, with a Master’s degree in Exercise Science.

I’ve been right where you are. In 2010, after seeing ten different doctors, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I remember thinking, “…now what?!”

Back then, I could barely get out of bed. I thought my life was over, but I refused to give up.

Now, I am teaching others how to effectively manage symptoms through my transformative Fibromyalgia fitness program.

Over the last few years, I’ve helped people like you exercise consistently, get stronger, and take their lives back!

It’s time to show Fibromyalgia that you won’t be stopped. 

You’re a Fibro Fit Warrior.

Fibromyalgia program and fitness coach Rachel, flexes bicep.


Since starting Fibro Fit Warriors I can see that I'm so much stronger. Going up and down stairs and just walking around is easier...I'm actually having moments where I notice I'm not in pain.
One win would be that I feel like I'm getting stronger. The workouts are hard today but I can tell I'm not as weak as when we first started which makes me feel really good.
Lifting with you has really given me a purpose in my workouts and I'm enjoying it...I haven't trained this hard since before I had my son and it feels good to be back there.

Next round begins May 19, 2024


Option 1:

One payment of


Option 2:

Two monthly payments of


Option 3:

Three monthly payments of


What past Fibro Warriors have said

The FFW Program gave me the structure that I needed to help me achieve goals that I could not have reached on my own. Working with Rachel and following the Program provided me with the guidance and support I needed for building strength and promoting healthy habits through small, weekly, realistic goals. Being part of a group helped me feel motivated and encouraged by other women who were also going through The Program. The FFW Program has had a positive impact on my life, how I approach my fibromyalgia symptoms, and my overall health and well-being. If you are thinking about joining the Fibro Fit Warriors Program – do not hesitate – join.


The program begins Sunday, May 19, 2024 and ends Sunday, July 14, 2024.

Fibro Fit Warriors includes two weekly strength workouts that take 45 minutes and one mobility workout. These workouts are designed for Fibromyalgia and are based on the latest research. 

I do not have examples to prevent people from getting hurt attempting them on their own. However, please reach out if you have specific questions or concerns. 

Fibro Fit Warriors includes both a gym and a home program. The home program includes exercises with dumbbells or bands and an exercise ball. But all of this equipment is optional. 

Yes! The nutrition protocol can be done by anyone, even if you have a long list of foods you need to avoid. Unlike other programs that have a strict meal plan, where you have to eat the same foods every week, I teach you how to build a nutrition plan that’s right for you.

This plan will work for anyone, including people who are plant-based.

Fibro Fit Warriors is designed specifically for Fibromyalgia. 

If you have other conditions, such as EDS or POTs, you can still participate. But you must be cleared to exercise by your doctor.

If you’re not sure, email me at prior to joining so we can discuss if Fibro Fit Warriors is the right fit for you.

Yes! Fibro Fit Warriors has clients worldwide, including Canada, the UK, Australia, etc.

You will do your workouts on your own using the Fibro Fit Warriors app. All other trainings are delivered via video module to watch when you have time.

This makes Fibro Fit Warriors available to all time zones (and for busy folks).

Fibromyalgia home exercise program coach Rachel stands outside leaning up against a wall.


Not sure if this exercise program is right for you? 

Email and get your questions answered